Why not become a Friend of Crescent Garden?
▪ Receive a Newsletter.
▪ Support our activities e.g., plant sale, garden party, talks and outings.
▪ Volunteer to help in the Garden on Wednesday mornings – totally optional. Or just have a coffee and a chat at 11am.
Only £6 a year, £10 (joint membership)
Fill out the application form below
To contact the Membership Secretary email:
If paying by cheque: please make it payable to “CRESCENT GARDEN” and complete the form online above. Please send your cheque to: The Membership Secretary, Mr Guy Sitwell, 15 Ashburton Road, Alverstoke, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 2LH
If paying by bank transfer: please use Sort Code: 30-93-56 Account No: 00024126 using your surname and initial as a reference and complete the form online above.
If paying by bank transfer: please use Sort Code: 30-93-56 Account No: 00024126 using your surname and initial as a reference and complete the form online above.

© 2022 Friends of Crescent Garden | Contact us | Data Protection Policy
Crescent Garden, Crescent Road, Alverstoke, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 2BB